Muscle loss - Renew Wellness Clinic

What is Muscle Loss?

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink or degrade as a result of disuse or aging. This leads to a loss of muscle strength, coordination, and endurance.

Some key points about muscle loss include:

Muscle loss can negatively impact strength, mobility, and metabolism. By middle age, adults can lose up to 3-5% of muscle mass per decade. This accelerates after age 50.

To prevent muscle loss, experts recommend resistance training 1-3 times per week along with getting enough protein and nutrients like vitamin D. Activities like yoga, tai chi, gardening, and walking also help maintain muscle.

If significant muscle loss already exists, physical therapy and customized exercise programs can help rebuild muscle strength. Older adults may also consider certain prescription medications in consultation with their doctor.

Maintaining muscle is crucial for supporting bone health, mobility, managing weight and avoiding injuries from falls - which are top concerns for many aging adults. Addressing muscle loss early on can help maintain fitness and physical independence for years longer.

In summary, muscle loss is a common condition, especially in older demographics, caused by aging, inactivity, and disease. Its symptoms like weakness and fatigue can progress if not treated. Prevention revolves around strength training, diet, and lifestyle factors. Various personalized treatment options also exist, depending on a person's health status and functional abilities.

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